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 WOW tutoriale!

In jos 

Numarul mesajelor : 173
Data de inscriere : 08/11/2008
Varsta : 27
Localizare : In spatele tau

WOW tutoriale! Empty
MesajSubiect: WOW tutoriale!   WOW tutoriale! EmptyMier Iul 08, 2009 4:55 am

First download the files below:

I - Apache 2.0.59 win32 source:
Apache: URL text Get Download
II - PhP-5.1.6-Win32.zip source: http://apache.org/dist/httpd/binaries/win32/apache_2.0.59-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi
PHP:URL text Get http://ro2.php.net/get/php-5.1.6-Win32.zip/from/a/mirror

1.Install the Apache 2.0.59 on ur computer when it asks for hostname just fill with localhost both of them and then ur email ...whatever then finish (make sure ur apache runs in ur task bar)
- now open a I.explorer page and in the adress bar type localhost and press Enter
- if it says It works! that means that the instal was successfuly if not check ur firewall and security software
2.Go to:
Start>Programs>Apache HTTP Server 2.0.59>Configure Apache Server>Edit the Apache httpd.conf Configuration File
- C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\httpd.conf (default installation path) -
-httpd.conf is the configuration file for apache
-here u will set up the default webroot and directory path (where u want to store the index.php for the web server)
-you can use the default "htdocs" that is located in:
- C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs -
-also you have there a line "DirectoryIndex index.html" in the httpd.conf that you need to change later


# This should be changed to whatever you set DocumentRoot to.
<Directory "C:/KoboldServerLite/web">

# DocumentRoot: The directory out of which you will serve your
# documents. By default, all requests are taken from this directory, but
# symbolic links and aliases may be used to point to other locations.
DocumentRoot "C:/KoboldServerLite/web"NOTE: Whenever you change something in the httpd.conf after you save the file restart the apache service! (by right clicking on the taskbar icon - Open Apache Monitor)

3.Install the php by extracting the achive in C:\php (that should be the php root so after extract change the folder name from php-5.1.6-Win32 to simply php) or you can extract it where ever you want on your computer
4.Now you have to configure php to work with apache.
- first thing you need to do is open the install.txt located in the php root folder and find the line Apache 2.0.x on Microsoft Windows (not the one from the Table of Contents)
- read all about the apache and php config because you might get stucked
- now there you will find a some line with what u should do
- copy those lines in your httpd.conf file at the bottom :

LoadModule php5_module c:/php/php5apache2.dll
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
PHPIniDir C:/php- then copy the php5ts.dll (thats located in the php root folder) to your C:\windows\system32\ folder
- restart the apache service
5. Now copy your modified index.php in your webroot directory (check cap.2 for the default webroot if you didn't change it)
- ok after all this now open your httpd.conf find the line :

DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.varand change it to:

DirectoryIndex index.php- open I.explorer type http://yourip then press enter if it shows the page thats good if not don't bug me and start all over again cuz this is a "for nothing guide"

Note: Remember that when adding path values in the Apache configuration files on Windows, all backslashes such as c:\directory\file.ext must be converted to forward slashes, as

Note: Remember to substitute your actual path to PHP for the
c:/php/ in the above examples. Take care to use either
php4apache2.dll or php5apache2.dll in your LoadModule directive and
not php4apache.dll or php5apache.dll as the latter ones are
designed to run with Apache 1.3.x.

Note: If you want to use content negotiation, read related FAQ.


Don't mix up your installation with DLL files from different PHP
versions. You have the only choice to use the DLL's and extensions
that ship with your downloaded PHP version.
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 173
Data de inscriere : 08/11/2008
Varsta : 27
Localizare : In spatele tau

WOW tutoriale! Empty
MesajSubiect: Cum faci un site de wow!   WOW tutoriale! EmptyMier Iul 08, 2009 4:56 am

Pentru inceput downloadati :

Antrix server( http://www.sendspace.com/file/vli47j )
MySQL and SQL Lyog( http://files.filefront.com/MySQL+504+and+SQLyog+64rar/;8057465;/fileinfo.html )

Ok, dupa ce ati downloadat fisierele putem incepe

2) Install MySQL 5.0.41 Essentials


3) Install SQLyog Comunity 6.04
a. Install SQLyog Comunity 6.04
B. Porniti instalerul SQLyog Comunity 6.04 si click "Next"
c. Bifati "I accept the terms in the License Agreement", apoi click "Next"
d. Selectati optiunile dumneavoastra favorite, apoi click "Next"
e. Alegeti un folder, apoi click "Install"
f. Apasati pana cand se instaleaza cu succes, apoi click "Next"
g. Bifati "Run SQLyog Comunity 6.04" si click "Finish"
h. Acum apasati pe "Continue..."
i. acum puneti parola de la MySQL root (parola este accea pe care ati folosi-o cand ati instalat MySQL 5.0.41 Essentials), apoi faceti "Connect"
j. Agree si salvativa parola in SQLyog connection manager -
k. Click dreapta pe "root@localhost" si selectati "Create Database..."
l. Puneti "antrix" si apasati "Create"
m. Faceti click dreapta pe baza de date "antrix" si selectati "Restore From SQL Dump..."
n. Acum aveti un fisier "sql" si selectati fiserul "TNPSRev7.sql". Click "Open" apoi "Execute"
o. Faceti din nou click dreapta pe baza de date "antrix" si selectati "Restore From SQL Dump..."
p. Acum aveti un fisier "sql" si selectati fiserul "Missing Tables.sql". Click "open"
q. Cnd este gata, click "Close"
r. Click pe "Refresh Object Browser" , si selectati "accounts" table in baza de date "antrix" . Acum faceti click pe "Table Data" si o sa vezi baza de date de la conturi : "accounts"
p. ca sa va faceti admin aveti "az" in dreptul contului care doriti sa fie admin
t. Inchideti SQLyog Comunity 6.04

Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 173
Data de inscriere : 08/11/2008
Varsta : 27
Localizare : In spatele tau

WOW tutoriale! Empty
MesajSubiect: Cum faci server de WOW!   WOW tutoriale! EmptyMier Iul 08, 2009 5:45 am

MySQL - http://dev.mysql.com/
Alte Versiuni de SQL sar putea sa nu mearga. Codul php care foloseste functiile mysql_ (contained in lib/wowdb.php) va trebuii sa le adaptati.

PHP - http://www.php.net/
Versiunea PHP 4.3.0 sau mai mare este recomandata. Orice versiune 4.0 sau mai mare ar trebuii sa mearga

Server Setup

web-X.Y.Z.tar.gz - http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=126538&package_id=138513

SQL server setup

Creati un nou database si il numiti "wow".
Folositi wow.sql file din web tarball, creati tabelul de caractere in wow database.
Creati un user (wow) cu SELECT, INSERT, si UPDATE privilegiile in wow database

Web Setup

dezarhivatii web tarball intr`un directoriu in care este webserver care poate sa porneasca PHP scripts.
copy conf.php.sample in conf.php
Editati conf.php intr`un text editor ca notepad WordPad
$db_user = "wow" - Schimbati "wow" ca sa mearga useru pe care lati creat.
$db_passwd = "xxxxx" - Schimbati "xxxxx" si puneti parola de la MySql.
$db_name = "wow" - Schimbati "wow" ca sa mearga numele de la database care ati creat in profilul wow.
$db_host = "localhost" - In cele mai multe cazuri puteti sa lasati ca localhost. Daca nu va merge asa puneti ip`ul vostru.
$data_dir = "data" - Directoriul "data" este directoriul in care ati dezarhivat web tarball. Uitati un exemplu ce trebuie sa puneti acolo:
-Pe Linux - "/usr/home/user/public_html/data"
-Pe windows - "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\data"
$log_dir = "/logs" - Schimbati "/logs" cu locatia unde vreti sa salveze log files. Puteti sa lasati ca /logs daca log folder este in directoriul wow. Trebuie sa schimbati permisiunea in folderul log ca sa mearga citit si scris de server.
$upload_dir = "/uploads" -Schimbati "/uploads" ca sa mearga sa salveze profilul wow sa salveze profilele uploadate. Puteti sa lasati ca /uploads daca upload folder este in directoriul wow. Trebuie sa schimbati permisiunea in folderul uploads ca sa mearga citit si scris de server.
$show_inventory = 1 - Lasati 1 ca sa va arate inventoriul caracterelor.
$guild_name = "" - Numele Guldei tale.
$guild_desc = "" - Ceva despre Guilda ta.
# pentru Thottbot - Cele doua linii sunt folosite sa traga icoane din Thottbot. Daca stergeti simbolul # , WoW Profiler se va conecta la Thottbot pentru icoane.
Urmatoarele doua linii sunt folosite daca vreti sa salvati icoanele ale serverului tau local.
$img_url="/img/" - Schimbati "/img/" Cu url de la folderul de icoane. WoW Profiler va baga /Interface/Icons/ in acest url. Fiti siguri ca icoanele sunt in folderul /Interface/Icons/. Example:
http://www.yourserver.com/img - WoW Profiler va lua icoane de pe "http://www.yourserver.com/img/Interface/Icons/
$img_suffix="png" - Schimbati "png" Daca icoanele voastre sunt .jpg sau .gif
$stylesheet = "default.css" - Lasati asa.Schimbati numa daca stiti despre ce este vorba.

Server Upgrade

web-X.Y.Z.tar.gz - http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=126538&package_id=138513

SQL server upgrade

In directoriul web/sql-upgrades sunt fisierele sql pentru a putea upgrada database. Gasiti fisierele pe care vi le trebuiesc. (ex. Daca vreti sa ungradati de la 0.2.0 to 0.4.0 veti avea nevoie de amandoua vers 0.2.0-0.2.2.sql si 0.3.1-0.4.0.sql)
Puneti fila apropriata in ordine in database. (ex. apply 0.2.0-0.2.2.sql prima si 0.3.1-0.4.0.sql a doua)

web upgrade

dezarhivati web tarball intr`un directoriu nou
copiati vechiul conf.php in acest directoriu
bagati liniile din conf.php.sample in conf.php care nu exista
odaca ce noul web module merge, schimbati vechiul directoriu cu cel nou.

User Setup

Fiecare user va trebuii sa downloadeze WOWLauncher: WOWLauncher
Porniti WOWLauncher.
Click pe Prefs...
Bagati in URL din update.cgi a serverului si dati OK.
Dati Browse si cautati locatia WoW.exe. Cosmos.exe poate fi pornit in loc daca este in acelasi directoriu cu WoW.exe. Daca porniti Cosmos.exe va avea side-effect ca sa uploadeze informatia INAINTE wow este pornit sau dupa (ca sa fie adresat in alta versiune)
Click Launch sa porniti WoW. Acesta va instala automat Character Profiler in WoW.
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